Getting the Most from Your Designer

When working in cooperation with anyone–whether in the office or at home–establishing a good relationship is critical, and making the most of their skills creates a better end product. This is no different when you’re working with a designer. Here are 2 ways to make the most of your designer.


1. Give them tools to succeed

Tell them exactly what you want from the design, both in form & function. Be honest about what you love about your old kitchen, and what needs changing. Talk to them about your big dreams for the space, what you’d most like to use it for, and how you currently use the space. Designers can’t create something that works for your needs and that you’ll love without any input. Further, providing inspiration can help direct them. A Pinterest board, or pictures clipped from magazines, make for excellent resources. 

2. Allow them to be creative

While providing specifications for a project is necessary and helpful, leaving  some aspects open for suggestions and creative ideation will help your designer thrive. Designers crafted their careers around being creative. While giving them boundaries and specifications is helpful, allowing them to explore and problem solve in creative ways lets them flex their well-honed muscles and can lead to even better results.  

A designer who’s excited about a project and the people they’re working with will be better able to create an incredible, show-stopping design. If you have a project that our designers could tackle and excel with, call us for a consultation today!